The role of a Councillor is to represent their local community by:
- taking part in the decision-making of Council
- representing the interests of the local community in that decision-making
- contributing to the strategic direction of the Council through the development of key strategic documents
The decisions made by Council should reflect the needs of the community. Decisions must be transparent and defensible and be supported by the relevant policy, process, guideline or law.
Amendments to the Local Government Act 2020 have seen the implementation of a Model Councillor Code of Conduct and mandatory training which aims to strengthen and establish clear standards and responsibilities for Mayors and Councillors by ensuring they perform their duties in a manner that reflects the values of integrity, transparency, respect and accountability to meet the expectations of the community.
These amendments clearly distinguish that Councillors must not perform or purport to perform any responsibilities or functions of the Chief Executive Officer, and highlight that Councillors must act with integrity, exercise reasonable care and diligence and take reasonable steps to avoid any action which may diminish the public's trust and confidence in the integrity of local government.
Responsibilities (legislated) of a Councillor:
- Participate in the decision-making of the council
- Represent the municipal community in that decision-making
- Contribute to the strategic direction of the council through the development and review of key strategic documents of the council, including the council plan.
- Consider the diversity of interests and needs of the municipal community
- Support the role of the council and the role of the Mayor
- Act lawfully and in accordance with the oath and affirmation of office
- Act in accordance with the Model Councillor Code of Conduct
- Comply with council procedures required for good governance
Outside the scope of the Councillor role:
- Statutory processes such as enforcement matters and reviews of infringements, planning permit decisions and building permit decisions
- Direct or improperly influence or seek to direct Council staff
- Complaints handling or reviews of statutory appeal mechanisms
- Procurement of goods, services or the carrying out works
- Grant funding allocation processes
- Improper use of information acquired as a result of their position
- Disclose information that is confidential information
- Exercise or perform, or purport to exercise, or perform a power, duty or function that the person is not authorised to exercise or perform
- Use public funds or resources in a matter that is improper or unauthorised
- Participate in a decision on a matter in which the person has a conflict of interest