Dogs barking (animal noise)

All pet owners are responsible for making sure their animals do not cause excessive noise or smells.  

Occasionally, owners may not be aware that there is a problem. We recommended that you discuss these issues in a calm and positive way with your neighbour. This is usually the best and fastest way to solve the issue.

Download the Responsible Pet Ownership - Barking Dogs(PDF, 705KB) brochure for more information about why dogs bark. It has tips to help both you and the dog owner resolve the issue.  

For emergency matters including dog attacks or threatening animals, call 1300 322 322 immediately.

If a noise nuisance continues after you have made an attempt to resolve it, you can:

Make a complaint

Step 1.Gather your information

You will be asked to give details of:

  • the address related to your complaint  
  • number of dogs/animals involved  
  • details of the animal issue    
  • your name and contact details.

Please note: Anonymous complaints are not able to be investigated. 

Step 2.Contact Council

Call Council on 1300 322 322 to notify us of the issue.

Step 3.What happens next?

Complaints related to animal noise are assessed on a case by case basis. A Council Officer will contact you to discuss your concerns and further information will be given based on your individual circumstances.