FRRRC accepts green waste, hard waste and recyclables from residents, non-residents and commercial customers.
Information on our free annual hard waste collection, booking an additional paid collection and do's and don'ts.
Information on bin collections, what can and can't go in your household bins, kerbside food and garden waste and what to do if your bin is lost or damaged.
Helpful tips and easy steps you can take to reduce food and household waste.
Find out how to dispose of items that aren't accepted in household bins.
Litter in our streets, parks, waterways and beaches is a huge problem for the environment and the community.
Victoria's Container Deposit Scheme (CDS Vic) is a State Government initiative that provides Victorians with a 10 cent refund for every eligible drink container returned to a refund point.
Looking for somewhere to take unwanted and difficult to recycle items that can’t go in any of your bins?
Landfills are rapidly filling up, with no more planned to be built. Advanced waste processing solutions have great potential as part of a total approach to managing the household waste we produce.
Find out more about Frankston City Councils waste education offerings here.
If you need assistance or are having trouble with the website, please Contact Us.