If you are replacing a damaged bin
Report a Damaged Bin
If you are reporting a missing bin
Report a Lost or Stolen Bin
You are the owner, landlord or property manager |
Yes, as owner or property manager you can make the request. Property manager will be required to upload proof of authority from the Owner. |
You are a tenant |
Yes, you will need to contact your landlord or property manager to make the request. However, tenants can order a food and garden waste service for the property (further details can be found under Tenant food and garden waste service below). |
You run a commercial business |
Yes, as long as you are the landlord or property manager of the commercial property. |
New and additional waste service options
To start a new waste service, you will need to choose from one of the options below.
Please note, each property is allowed the following maximum waste services:
- two general waste
- two mixed recycling
- two food and garden waste
- one glass recycling
If you require more waste services, please contact Council.
All costs are added to your rates pro rata for this financial year and in full for subsequent years.
Residential - new service
General waste 80L, mixed recycling and glass recycling - $368.20 per year
- 80 litre waste bin (red lid)
- 240 litre mixed recycling bin (yellow lid)
- 80 litre glass recycling bin (purple lid)

General waste 120L, mixed recycling and glass recycle - $462.30 per year
- 120 litre waste bin (red lid)
- 240 litre mixed recycling bin (yellow lid)
- 80 litre glass recycling bin (purple lid)

Food and garden waste 240L - $168.10 per year
- This is an opt in service and is provided with a free bench top kitchen caddy and liners.
- 240 litre food and garden waste bin (green lid)

Commercial - new service
General waste 80L plus mixed recycle - $368.20 per year
- 80 litre general waste bin (red lid)
- 240 litre mixed recycling bin (yellow lid)

General waste 120L plus mixed recycle - $462.30 per year
- 120 litre general waste bin (red lid)
- 240 litre mixed recycle bin (yellow lid)

Tenant food and garden waste service
Tenants are able to order a food and garden waste service for the property they are the tenant of.
Proof of being the tenant will be required when ordering the tenant food and garden waste service (current utility bill or rental agreement to be uploaded when ordering the bin).
The tenant service is payable upfront by credit card. The amount calculated for payment is a pro rata payment of the current annual charge which is calculated for the quarters remaining in this financial year.
A renewal notice will be sent to you at the end of the financial year and you can choose to pay the cost of the bin for another year or arrange for the bin to be removed from the property if no longer required.
Please see below details for the food and garden waste service.
Food and garden waste service (tenant) - 168.10 per year
- 240 litre food and garden waste bin (green lid)

Residential - additional bins
General waste 80L plus mixed recycle - $368.20 per year
- 80 litre general waste bin (red lid)
- 240 litre mixed recycling bin (yellow lid)
General waste 120L plus mixed recycle - - $462.30 per year
- 120 litre general waste bin (red lid)
- 240 litre mixed recycling bin (yellow lid)

General waste 80L only - $368.20 per year
Please note, this option includes charges for a bin set, however you will receive your single general waste bin only. This will assist if you are limited with collection and storage space and cannot accommodate all bins.
- 80 litre general waste bin (red lid)

General waste 120L only - $462.30 per year
Please note, this option includes charges for a bin set, however you will receive your single general waste bin only. This will assist if you are limited with collection and storage space and cannot accommodate all bins.
- 120 litre general waste bin (red lid)

Mixed recycle only - $50.00 per year
- 240 litre mixed recycling bin (yellow lid)

Food and garden waste 240L - $168.10 per year
- 240 litre food and garden waste bin (green lid)

Commercial - additional bins
General waste 80L plus mixed recycle - $368.20 per year
- 80 litre general waste bin (red lid)
- 240 litre mixed recycling bin (yellow lid)

General waste 120L plus mixed recycle - - $462.30 per year
- 120 litre general waste bin (red lid)
- 240 litre mixed recycling bin (yellow lid)

General waste 80L only - $368.20 per year
Please note, this option includes charges for a bin set, however you will receive your single general waste bin only. This will assist if you are limited with collection and storage space and cannot accommodate all bins.
- 80 litre general waste bin (red lid)

General waste 120L only - $462.30 per year
Please note, this option includes charges for a bin set, however you will receive your single general waste bin only. This will assist if you are limited with collection and storage space and cannot accommodate all bins.
- 120 litre general waste bin (red lid)

Mixed recycle only - $247.20 per year
- 240 litre mixed recycling bin (yellow lid)

Order a new residential waste service or additional bin here
Order a new commercial waste service or additional bin here
Tenant food and garden waste service - tenants only
(if you are an owner, landlord or property manager, please use the above Residential link)
Order a tenant food and garden waste service here