Pet registration

Registering your dog or cat helps us to reunite you quickly if they become lost.

  • All dogs and cats over the age of 3 months must be microchippeddesexed and registered
  • Registration must be renewed every year by 10 April (you will receive a reminder provided the fee for the previous registration period was paid)
  • If you do not register your pet, you may be fined
  • With more than 2 dogs and/or 2 cats, you must also apply for an Excess Animal and Birds Permit
  • Registration fees are non-refundable and include a State Government levy of $4.51

Apply for pension rate

If you hold a current Pensioner concession card or gold DVA concession card then you may be eligible for a concession rate on your pet registration (50% discount on most registration types).

Please include a copy of your concession card with your application. See the Fees tab to learn more about eligible cards. 

Please note: you are not eligible if you hold a green Healthcare card. 

Transfer of pet ownership

If you need to make changes the ownership details of an animal, please visit the Transfer of pet ownership page.  

Pet replacement tags

  • Registration tags are replaced for free.
  • To receive a free replacement tag your pet must be currently registered with no outstanding payments.
  • It is an offence under the Domestic Animals Act 1994 for a pet to not wear its registration tag.
  • You can attend any of our Service Centres to receive a replacement tag in person or over the phone to request it be posted out to you. Please call 1300 322 322.



Step 1.Prepare your pet for registration

Your pet must be microchipped and be either desexed or have a desexing exemption. If your pet requires these procedures, call your local vet or visit our microchipping and desexing page to learn more.  

Step 2.Prepare your application

Your application must include:

  • your pet's microchip number
  • proof of desexing (desexing certificate) OR
  • a valid Desexing Exemption
  • a copy of your concession card if you are eligible for a pension rate. See 'Apply for pension rate' above.

Step 3.Submit your application

Please have a Visa or Mastercard credit/debit card ready to pay the non-refundable registration fee (Amex/Diners cards not accepted online).

Apply online

Step 4.What happens next?

We will mail your pet registration tag to the address provided in your application.

In person

Step 1.Prepare your pet for registration

Your pet must be microchipped and be either desexed or have a desexing exemption. If your pet requires these procedures, call your local vet or visit our microchipping and desexing page to learn more. 

Step 2.Prepare your application

You will need copies of the following to complete your application:

  • your pet's microchip number
  • proof of desexing (desexing certificate) OR
  • a valid Desexing Exemption
  • a copy of your concession card if you are eligible for a pension rate. See 'Apply for pension rate' above.

Step 3.Submit your application

Visit any of our Customer Service centres during opening hours, Monday to Friday. We will guide you through the registration process and help submit your application. 

You can pay the relevant fee by cash, cheque, money order, EFTPOS or Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard or Amex) in person.

Step 4.What happens next?

We will mail your pet registration tag to the address provided in your application.


Please see the annual registration fees below

Registration type

Annual fee
(pro-rata rate may be applicable)

Annual fee for eligible pension card holder*
(pro-rata rate may be applicable)

Desexed dog/cat (compulsory)



Dog/Cat with temporary desexing exemption from a vet



Dog/Cat with permanent desexing exemption from a vet



Working dog



Dog/cat kept for breeding at a registered domestic animal business



Dog that has undergone obedience training that complies with the regulations



Dog/Cat Association Membership (must present pedigree certificate & current animal association membership card)



Declared dogs (dangerous/menacing/restricted)



Registered foster carers



Guide dogs and government service dogs



Animals adopted from The Lost Dog's Home (must show proof of purchase)

Free: (for the first two registration periods)

Free: (for the first two registration periods)

*Eligible pension card holders must provide a copy of their pension card. See below for a list of accepted pension cards.

Accepted Pension Cards

Pet owners who have one of the following Pension cards receive the discounted pension fee for registration (excluding Declared dogs):

  • Pensioner Concession Card – issued by Centrelink or Department of Veterans’ Affairs
  • Department of Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card – War Widow (WW)
  • Department of Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card – Totally & Permanently Incapacitated (TPI)