Frankston Gymnastics & Basketball Feasibility Study

At its meeting on Monday 15 November 2021, Council adopted the Frankston Gymnastics & Basketball Feasibility Study. This study involved extensive market research, site analysis, an engagement process with key stakeholders, peak bodies, State Government, and across Council departments. A concept development stage involved concept plans, cost plans, management review and financial operational model.
This study uncovered:
- A growing basketball and gymnastics participation that is higher than the State participation rate average and is being fuelled by a young, active and growing population.
- The existing indoor sports stadiums in Frankston is at capacity and is now showing its age. The Frankston Basketball Stadium is at full capacity (100%) during peak operating hours for indoor courts and the Frankston and District Basketball Association (FDBA) competitions. The stadium doesn’t provide for the contemporary sport industry design standards.
- The need for a new fit for purpose home for the Bayside Gymnastic Club on Council land that will provide secure tenure for the club and support the growth of programming and participation.
The redeveloped facility will include:
- Two additional basketball courts and future-proofing for additional courts.
- Full redevelopment of two existing courts.
- A dedicated gymnastics hall and training pit.
- Fully fit-for-purpose and accessible amenities including spectator viewing.
- Increased car parking.
- Pedestrian and cycling access and landscaping improvements.