Ballam Park bioretention system and ornamental lake
13 November 2023- October 2024
We’re building a bioretention system and ornamental lake that will reduce storm water contamination in Port Phillip Bay and provide a whole new range of experiences for Ballam Park visitors.
To be constructed in the north-eastern corner of Ballam Park, the system will use plants, water circulation and aeration to naturally treat stormwater before it reaches the ocean.
We’ll be enhancing the system with an ornamental lake and community amenities such as lighting, art, park furniture, bbq, landscaping, drinking fountain and connecting pathways to create a new experience for visitors to Ballam Park.
As well as its environmental benefits, the new project will create additional passive recreation opportunities and complement the existing active sport and recreation and play spaces in the park.
The $2.3 million project is jointly funded by Council, Melbourne Water, and a low-interest loan from the Victorian Government.
Community engagement about the project was undertaken earlier this year and full details are available at: Ballam Park Bioretention System and Ornamental Lake | Engage Frankston!
Environmental benefits
The bio-retention system allows Council to deliver on the objectives of the 2020/21 Integrated Water Action Plan. As part of this plan, a feasibility analysis was undertaken with Melbourne Water and this determined that a water sensitive urban design (WSUD) facility in the north-eastern corner of Ballam Park could significantly improve storm water quality and could also be used as an ornamental water feature.
When complete, the bioretention scheme is expected to significantly reduce storm water contamination:

Construction impacts
Work hours are 7am to 4pm weekdays.
While every effort is made to minimise impacts, the project will generate some dust and noise. For your safety, work will require the closure of some pathways close to the site. Please follow all signage.
Thanks for your understanding as we deliver this important project for Frankston City.
More information:
Construction Update - April 2024

Community Information Update