Eric Bell Pavillion
What is Council doing?
Frankston City Council, in partnership with the Victorian Government, is undertaking the redevelopment of the Eric Bell Reserve Pavilion and is in the final stages of design. This project will involve the demolition and reconstruction of the existing sports pavilion providing enhanced, female friendly facilities and amenities for the community and tenants, Frankston Pines Cricket Club and Pines Football Netball Club.
The proposed modern two storey pavilion will include the following:
- four change rooms and amenities
- community multi-purpose room
- meeting rooms
- timekeepers Office
- storage
- commercial Kitchen, Kiosk and Servery
- umpire rooms
- first aid rooms
- attached public toilets that will be available for all park users
- external covered spectator areas and terrace
- surrounding landscaping and car park modifications.
How will the community benefit from the works?
The redeveloped Eric Bell Pavilion will be the new home for both the Pines Football Netball Club and the Pines Cricket Club. The upgraded facilities and welcoming environment will allow for greater participation opportunities for woman and girls as well as the broader Frankston and Frankston North community. The new pavilion will also include community meeting spaces, public toilets and landscaping to enhance the broader Eric Bell Reserve precinct.
Project timing
Demolition works commenced in November 2022, Civil works and in ground services commenced in December 2022. The project is due for completion in winter 2024.
Disruption during works
Every effort is made to reduce disruptions to residents and businesses impacted by our works and provide advanced notice of any changes that may impact residents directly.
Reserve users won’t have access to part of the reserve during construction.
We thank you for your understanding.
Related Information:
Eric Bell Reserve - Google Maps