Seaford North Reserve Playground

Our Open Spaces and Civil Infrastructure teams have been working together these past few months to develop a revitalised, safe and environmentally-friendly community space for you to enjoy.  The new, district-level playground at Seaford North Reserve is the result of community feedback about a lack of quality family facilities in the area. We heard you and, after extensive community consultation, have delivered this beautiful play space for everyone to enjoy. 

  • Accessible to all ages and abilities
  • Brightly coloured and engaging equipment
  • Additional Parking
  • Additional Solar lighting 
  • Recycled Plastic Fencing
  • Shade and Barbecue space
  • $1m total investment from Frankston City Council

The next stage involves refurbishing the existing toilet block, expected to be completed later in 2019. 

Key dates

Completed August 2019