Austin Reserve Upgrade
- Project typeUpgrade
- Project scheduleProject is now complete
We’re upgrading Austin Reserve, Seaford with work beginning in April and expected to be complete by July 2024.
The upgrade will include:
- Seating
- Accessible drinking fountain
- Kick-about area
- Triple swing set (basket, toddler and strap-in seating)
- Landscaping
- Nature play
- Accessible picnic table
- Junior play structure with tunnel, slide, steps, climbing ramps and shop counter
While work is underway at Austin Reserve, why don’t you check out the Brunel Reserve – it’s a 15-minute walk or three-minute drive away and has a beautiful open green space and play space.
All upgrades to Frankston City’s play spaces are designed and delivered in alignment with our Play Space Strategy 2021 which was endorsed by Council in 2021.
As part of the development of the strategy, all play spaces across Frankston City were audited and assessed, community consultation was undertaken, and recommendations and priorities developed in alignment with Council’s Long Term Infrastructure Plan (a 10-year plan that guides Council and shapes Frankston City’s future in line with our Community Vision and Council Plan).
The strategy outlines a range of service levels for play spaces across the municipality which guide the features and facilities that can be included in each space.
Austin Reserve is identified as a local (major) level play space which is intended to service the immediate local area (400m walking catchment) for regular short-term stays (up to an hour).
We understand that the community highly values its play spaces, and we can’t wait for you to enjoy the new and improved Austin Reserve.
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