Road renewal program 2023/24
- Project typeRoadworks
- Project scheduleSeptember 2023 until June 2024
- Contractor nameDowner Group
The Council has initiated a preventative maintenance program aiming to extend the lifespan of city roads. For the fiscal year 2023/24, this entails 12 key road repair and re-sheeting projects throughout Frankston City.
The Road Renewal Program for FY 2023/24 is scheduled to commence in September 2023 and expected to be completed by June 2024. The works at each location may take multiple days to complete, depending on the extent of work, treatment type and weather.
Road Name
Extent Of Works
Abbeygate Court
Raphael Cres to End
Balmain Drive
Carrum Downs
Shearwater Dr to Frankston Dandenong Rd Service Rd
Baxter Street (CAA)
Davey St to Davey St
Chantilly Court
Raphael Cres to End
Dalkeith Court
Raphael Cres to End
Dorchester Court
Buxton Cres to End
Franciscan Avenue
Buxton Cres to Partridge Cres
Horne Street
Ogrady Ave to End
Linlithgow Court
Franciscan Ave to End
Ogrady Avenue
Nepean Hwy to Dandenong Rd West
Partridge Crescent
Franciscan Ave to Franciscan Ave
Raphael Crescent
Franciscan Ave to Franciscan Ave
Treatment types
- Re-sheeting - Placement of a thin asphalt layer over existing pavement
- Intermediate - Replacement of the surface layer of the pavement, including treatment of soft pavement areas
- Full depth asphalt - Reinstatement of multiple layers of road pavement
Work hours
To reduce impact on the community and local businesses, works within Central Activity Area (CAA) will be planned to be undertaken as night works.
Work timing for other locations will be determined based on-site specific requirements of each location. Residents will be notified of the timing of works with at least seven days’ notice.
Road closures
Road closures will be in place due to ongoing works. Residents may face delays but can access properties with help from traffic controllers; please inform them in advance if traveling between 7am-5am. On-street parking is unavailable; seek alternative arrangements. Buses and Emergency Services will be guided through the work zone by traffic controllers.