Certificate of Title
A Certificate of Title is a documented record of interests and rights affecting your land. It is issued by the Registrar of Titles to the person entitled to its possession which can be the registered proprietor, mortgagee or chargee. Anyone is able to obtain a copy of title from the Titles Office
The information included in a Certificate of Title confirms the location and dimensions of your land and any obligations affecting what can be done on or with the land. This is different to zoning and planning overlays under the Planning Scheme, but may affect your land in a similar manner.
As well as describing the land, a full copy of the title will include a diagram or plan of the land and will identify any easements, restrictions, encumbrances, caveats and notices where these may exist.
The title information accompanying your application to council must include a register search statement and the title diagram and any relevant associated title documents known as ‘instruments’ such as Covenants or Section 173 Agreements. This is what we refer to as a 'Full Copy of Title'. This registered search statement must have been obtained within the last three (3) months to ensure it is current and accurate.
You can use this information when making a decision to purchase a property and in most circumstances a full copy of the certificate of title is supplied in the Section 32 'Contract of Sale' that you receive from the real estate agent.