Request planning information for a property


You can apply online to receive planning information for a property. This includes:

  • written advice on whether you need a planning permit
  • copies of planning permits and/or endorsed plans

For general planning enquiries, visit our Planning permit application process page or call us on 1300 322 322.

Request written planning advice

You can request written advice on whether you need a permit and what planning controls apply to a particular property. The more detail you provide about what you propose to do, the more specific our advice will be.

To submit your request, you will need:

  • A current copy of the Certificate of Title from the Landata website, showing any restrictions on the property.
  • A detailed description of proposed land use including plans, photos and supporting documents that may help us respond to your enquiry.
  • Complete copies of your proposed development plans, drawn to scale.
  • A Visa or Mastercard credit or debit card to pay the non-refundable $200.00 fee. We're unable to accept Amex or Diners cards online.

Apply for written planning advice

Request copies of planning permits and/or endorsed plans 

To request a copy of a planning permit and/or endorsed plans for a property, you will need:

  • Planning permit number(s) or the year of issue
  • A Visa or Mastercard credit or debit card to pay the non-refundable $100 initial search fee. We're unable to accept Amex or Diners cards online.
  • If you're requesting copies of endorsed plans and you're not the property owner, you’ll also need to upload a document that indicates their consent. We can't process your application without it.

Once your request is received, we will search Council’s records for the relevant information. We will contact you to provide details of the relevant permit(s) and endorsed plan(s) available.

An additional fee is applicable for each copy of permit and/or plans, please refer to the Planning Fee Schedule - Frankston City Council

Apply for Copies of Planning Permits and/or Endorsed Plans

Planning Application Register

Visit our Planning Application Register page to view a list of all Statutory planning permit applications.