VicSmart is a simple and fast assessment process for straightforward planning permit applications.
Apply for a permit to develop, alter, or extend a dwelling on a lot with areas less than 300m2, or in specific zones and overlays, or remove vegetation on a site with a single dwelling.
Apply for a permit to develop more than one dwelling on a site, or develop or remove vegetation on a site with multiple dwellings.
Apply for a permit to develop, alter or extend a building.
Apply for a permit to serve alcohol on-premises.
Apply for a permit to display signage at a business, including in a residential zone or home-based business.
Apply for a permit in relation to a new use or expansion of existing use or a parking waiver.
Apply for Council tree removal if the request has already been approved through a planning or local law permit.
Request a Section 173 Agreement to be prepared as part of your planning permit application.
Apply to amend or end a Section 173 Agreement.
You may need to request consent before a building permit for demolition is issued.
Request a Certificate of Compliance to demonstrate that the development or use of land complies with the Frankston Planning Scheme.
You may need to apply for written consent under restrictions on title or provisions of the Frankston Planning Scheme.
Apply for a permit for other developments such as a beach box, bus shelter or works within a road reserve.
If you need assistance or are having trouble with the website, please Contact Us.