View advertised planning applications and make a submission


The way land is used or developed may affect nearby residents and the wider community. If a planning permit application is likely to affect other houses or businesses, we may public advertise the proposal.

The proposal will determine where and how the application is advertised. This may include:

  • Putting a Notice of an Application for a Planning Permit on the land, usually for at least 14 days.
  • Sending a letter to next-door property owners and occupiers.
  • Putting a Notice of an Application for a Planning Permit in the local newspaper.

If you are concerned a planning permit application (which is publicly advertised) may affect you or your property, you can submit an objection.

If you are happy with the application, you do not need to take any action. However, you can make a submission of support.

You can lodge your submission at any time before we decide the outcome of an application however, we recommend you lodge your submission during the advertising period. We will not make a decision before the advertising expiry date.

View advertised planning applications

Plans are available for online viewing for a minimum of 14 days.

View applications

Before you submit an objection

  • View plans and documents attached to the advertised planning application.
  • Carefully review the plans and documents and consider whether the proposed plan may affect you.
  • Consider the proposal and prepare a list of reasons explaining why you believe the proposal will affect the enjoyment of your property.
  • Call us on 1300 322 322 to discuss any concerns you may have.

Making an objection to a planning permit application(PDF, 250KB)

Submit an objection

If you have discussed an advertised planning permit application with us and you still have concerns, you can submit an objection. You can also make a submission of support.

You will need to provide the following information:

  • your contact details
  • your residential property address
  • a clear statement that explains why you are objecting to the application (suggestions for improvement are welcome)
  • supporting documents (if applicable).

If you have any suggestions on how the application can be improved, you can include this in your submission.

Submissions can be lodged at any time before we make a decision.

Make a submission

If you are unable to lodge your submission online, you can complete the Object or support a planning permit application(PDF, 736KB)  form.

Submissions with multiple signatories are recognised as one objection. Only the first signatory will be registered as an objector and provided with correspondence concerning the application.

Section 57(5) of the Act requires that objections or submissions are made available for any person to inspect free of charge until the end of the period during which an application for review can be made to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal, or an application for review is determined or withdrawn.

Copies of objections or submissions may also be provided. Personal information will only be used and disclosed as authorised by law. For further details on how we handle personal information, or to request access to your information, view our privacy policy or contact our Privacy Officer on 1300 322 322.

What happens next?

We will send you a letter confirming your objection has been received.

We will consider valid objections during our assessment.

We may invite you and others who lodge an objection to the same planning permit application to a Residents Discussion Meeting. Here you can discuss your concerns and identify any opportunities to address them directly with the applicant.

If we decide to issue the planning permit, you will receive a Notice of Decision to Grant a Permit.

If you wish to appeal the decision, you will have 28 days to lodge an application for review with the Victorian Civil and Administrative Council (VCAT). If no application for review is made, we will issue the permit.