The complete Specification for Civil Works may be viewed, downloaded and printed from this site in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.
If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, your can download a free copy of the program at the bottom of this page.
View all Specifications for Civil Works
The Standard Drawings for Civil Works can be viewed, downloaded and printed from this site in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.
If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can download a free copy of the program at the bottom of this page.
View all Standard Drawings for Civil Works
All Council Asset works are subject to plan checking and supervision fees in accordance with the Subdivision Act 1988 (Cth).
The following Guidelines have been prepared by the Frankston City Council Infrastructure Department to facilitate the preparation of engineering construction plans for new subdivisions and private developments within the Municipality of Frankston. It is intended that these Guidelines will provide the basis for information to be included in plans required to be lodged with Council for approval to comply with the Planning Approval process.
Download the Guidelines for Subdivisional Multi-Dwelling and Industrial Developments(PDF, 446KB)
If you are a property or land owner that has a bus stop or shelter at or near your property and would like changes to the bus stop to help enable construction or development at your property, you will need to contact the Department of Transport.
Download the Guidelines for Moving a Bus Stop for Construction(PDF, 44KB) .
In January 2012, Council endorsed the Frankston Water Sensitive Urban Design Guidelines (WSUD) to provide clarity and consistency for the process of implementing WSUD projects in Frankston City.
Read more about Water Sensitive Urban Design
Download the Frankston City WSUD Guidelines(PDF, 5MB)
On-site stormwater detention systems are designed to reduce adverse impacts and additional pressure on Council’s drainage network by temporarily detaining stormwater on-site and slowly releasing it over time into the existing network.
The following Guidelines have been prepared by the Frankston City Council Engineering Services Department to facilitate the preparation of engineering construction plans for new developments within the Municipality of Frankston. It is intended that these Guidelines will provide the basis for information to be included in plans required to be lodged with Council for approval to comply with the Planning Approval process.
Download the Guidelines for On-Site Stormwater Detention(PDF, 1MB)