A stormwater discharge point is where your property's drainage links to Council's drainage network. The location point is allocated by Council.
You may need the location of your discharge point when applying for a building permit. If you need to create a new pipe connection, you may also need a drainage tapping or road reserve permit.
We are unable to provide details on internal house or building drainage networks. Refer to your property plans or contact us to request building plans for a property. Contact South East Water for information on sewerage pipes.
We prefer you submit your application online. If you're unable to apply online, you can apply via email, mail or in person.
Council provide Stormwater Point of Discharge to accommodate a single dwelling with of no more than 40% site coverage. It is advised that development of this site with a greater site coverage than 40% will require the provision of a Stormwater Detention System with a volume capable of retarding the 10 year ARI flow from the development site back to a 5 year ARI pre-development value. Water Sensitive Urban Design principles (WSUD) can be incorporated into the drainage design to reduce the site outflow to the required 5 year ARI pre-development value.
Where a site is subject to a Planning Permit for development, the discharge location may be subject to alteration. All Planning Permit conditions must be complied with to the satisfaction of the Engineering Services Manager.