Paths Development Plan
In addition to providing recreation and exercise benefits, the availability of footpaths and shared paths provide essential access to such destinations as schools, shops and workplaces.
Council already manages nearly 1,000 kilometres of formed paths across 24 neighbourhoods to successfully meet these needs. However, there are parts of Frankston where the paths network has gaps that need filling in, or where roadside footpaths are absent entirely. In a few instances, access to destinations can also be improved by creating all weather surfaces through parks and reserves.
The principal purpose of the Frankston Paths Development Plan (PDP) is to assist Council in identifying and prioritising paths projects in order to program, fund and complete Frankston’s pathway network. The 2020 PDP revises and updates the first Plan approved by Council in 2015.
View the Paths Development Plan (PDP)(PDF, 1MB) .