Street signs

There are a number of local street signs we may install or maintain. These include:

  • regulatory signs
  • hazard signs
  • parking signs
  • service signs
  • information signs.

Learn more about some of the other signs you may find across the city below.

Street name blades

New blades now comply with the Australian Standard and can be seen on every street corner, Council is currently retiring the timber post type as they are non conforming.

School crossing signs

Getting children to and from school safely is a key priority for the safety of our future generations. Each year council enhancement works activities identify, maintain and repair 80 sites for 60 primary and secondary schools.

Special community signs

These are blue signs with white writing that prompt and direct the public to a venue. Approval by Council is required the owner may be charged costs.

Stop or Give Way signs

Evaluation for need is based on criteria set out by VicRoads, Councils Traffic Engineer makes recommendation to Vic Roads for installation. Council is attempting to limit the proliferation of signs & the subsequent maintenance costs.


Parking Control signs

Erection of new parking signs require compliance approval from our Traffic Engineering Staff, contact 9784 1888.


Pavement and Line Markings

To ensure road users safety the council installs reflective pavement markers, such as "cats eyes". These reflectors assist drivers in finding their destinations safely.

Please get in touch if you would like to report a sign, safety barrier or marking in a road reserve that appears to be missing, damaged, misleading or redundant.