Local Area Traffic Management

Unnecessary use of local roads and irresponsible driving, especially speeding, imposes risk to the safety of our community.

To ensure council funds are allocated to the regions most in need of treatment, council's Transportation team compiles a priority listing of hundreds of streets within the municipality. Each street is ranked according to several factors including 85th percentile speed (the speed below which 85% of vehicles travel), crash history, abutting land use and traffic volumes.

Additionally, each street is assigned to a Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) precinct. This priority listing is continuously updated, and Council undertakes one or two LATM studies each year, depending on budget, in the highest ranked precincts.

LATM studies aim to:

  • Discourage through-traffic from using the local area.
  • Improve the safety of local streets for all road users (including cyclists and pedestrians) by reducing traffic speeds.
  • Reduce the incidence and potential for crashes within the precinct.
  • Address the traffic concerns of the community whilst maintaining good levels of accessibility for local residents, local businesses and emergency services.
  • Maximise the benefits to the community of available funding, by giving priority to locations with severe crash histories and the greatest level of community concern.

Visit Engaged Frankston to learn more about current studies, and find out how you can get involved.