Frankston's Memorial Wall

Baby Mural - 1 (copy).jpg

Every year, around 113,000 Australians have a miscarriage, endure the pain of stillbirth and / or lose their baby in the first 28 days after birth.

In acknowledgement of the babies lost, including those buried at Frankston Memorial Park, Frankston Cemetery Trust has created a Baby Mural Memorial Wall with a Memorial Rock, generously donated by a local quarry, and a bench seat for quiet reflection. 

The Australian inspired mural is painted by Brigitte Dawson and Melissa Turner with Australian baby animals and Gumnut babies by May Gibbs.

To visit the Baby Mural Memorial Wall, please enter the Cemetery grounds through the entry at the corner of Clarendon Street/Government Road. The mural is located to the left of the entry and can be viewed during daylight hours.