Public Art Strategy 2023-2028

Frankston City Council believes public art is an investment for and of our community.
Public art is a vital element in the life and landscape of Frankston. It has and continues to define integral and meaningful parts of our community, urban and natural landscapes, along with being a strong elemental role in the overall image of our city.
Public art provides uniquely local attractions that are a source of delight and inspiration to residents, workers and visitors and also give voice to our local communities.
This strategy offers the foundation to strategically plan, develop and manage public art that enhances these fundamental connections and acts as a catalyst for community life. The strategy provides broad curatorial directions that aim to reflect the stories of the people, place and environment of Frankston. The objective is to curate an evolving, expressive and insightful public art program that reflects local character, relevant to Frankston’s past, present and future and inspires new ideas that foster community connection and pride.
This will be achieved via strategic priorities that encompass four overarching goals:
- Enhancing our spaces, built form and infrastructure
- Connecting our valued places and landscapes
- Enriching the visibility of First Nation people’s connection to Country
- Nurturing our vibrant creative community
For more information, download the Public Art Strategy 2023-2028(PDF, 8MB).
Please get in touch with Frankston’s Public Art Officer with enquiries at
Artwork credit from left to right: Katherine Gailer, Ron Gomboc and Hard 13
Photo credit: Steve Brown Photography