Child safety
Statement of commitment
Council has zero tolerance for child abuse. Council is committed to creating and maintaining a child safe environment where all children are valued and protected from harm and abuse and will promote a whole of community approach to keeping children safe.
All children, who attend services, programs, events and spaces (including online environments) that are delivered, owned or managed by Council, have the right to be heard, to participate and feel safe regardless of their, or their families’, age, gender, race, ability, health, religious beliefs, sexual orientation or social background. Council will encourage and support Aboriginal children to express their culture and enjoy their cultural rights and commits to creating culturally safe environments.
Council will actively facilitate the voices of children in Council planning, the design and delivery of services, programs and events and in the management of facilities. Council’s priority is to involve children in opportunities to influence matters that affect them as active citizens in their community. Council will treat all reports of child safety concerns seriously and will actively encourage children to raise such issues.
To learn more please check out our Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy(PDF, 286KB).