Get Involved in Council Run Events

Waterfront 2024 137-1

If you would like to get involved in future council events or stay up to date with the latest event news, please join the Frankston City Council’s Event Supplier Database. 

Join our Event Supplier Database 

Register to the Frankston City Council’s Major Events mailing list and be updated with upcoming event opportunities. Please follow the appropriate link as per your organisation category.

This process only needs to be completed once. If your details change at a future date, please get in touch via 

  • Please note - When creating an account, please ensure to remember your password as this will be used for any future event applications.

  • If you don’t believe you fit into any of the above categories, please email the Frankston City Council’s Events Team for assistance:

Exhibitor categories definitions

Exhibitor Category


Food Vendor

Food vendors who are providing a meal/substantial offerings.

Beverage and Snack

These vendors sell snack-style food and beverages (e.g. ice-cream, coffee, popcorn, etc.).

Licensed alcohol vendor

Alcohol vendors must hold applicable current liquor licenses and are selected to provide alcoholic beverages to patrons of The Waterfront Festival and Block Party only. Alcohol is not served at any other event.

Stage Performer

Amateur and professional performers are invited to apply to participate at our events. We encourage you to provide us with as much information as possible about your performance so that we can make an informed decision. We do endeavour to include local content in our events, so if you are located within the municipality, please apply.

Roving Performer

Performers or activities throughout the event site without a fixed location, providing entertaining activities or interactive performances.

Community Stallholder

Community groups and/or not-for-profit groups. Groups may be promoting products or services and may choose to raise funds through an activity or product at the stall.

Commercial Exhibitor

Commercial business, interacting with the attendees and selling products or services.

Activity Providers

Businesses or groups that can provide and run an activity on the event site.

Market Stallholders

Market Stallholders are small businesses selling products or services. The products sold at events must be consistent with the event theme or target audience. Items that cannot be sold at Frankston City Council events include (but are not limited to) imitation weapons or items such as silly string or confetti.

Frankston City Council's Major Events Program

The Events Season includes the below events:

  • Frankston's Christmas Festival
  • Waterfront Festival
  • Block Party (Frankston Street Art Festival)
  • Party in the Park
  • South Side Festival

Waterfront Festival

Event dates:  Friday 6 & Saturday 7 February 2026

Event Times:
Friday: 5:00pm - 10:00pm
Saturday: 12:00pm - 9:30pm

Location: Frankston Foreshore, Frankston

The Waterfront Festival is a chance to celebrate Frankston’s picturesque waterfront, creating interactive and memorable experiences showcasing the region’s best music, arts, culture, fine wine, brews, food and entertainment. 

Waterfront Festival  

Frankston Street Art Festival

Event Date: Saturday 22 March 2025

Location: White Street Mall

See national and local street artists in action, hear some beats and enjoy some good food and local craft beer and wine. 

Party in the Park

Event dates:  Sunday 13 April 2025

Event Time: 10:00am - 2:00pm

Location: Cruden Farm, Langwarrin

Party in the Park is a fun day out for the family full of a range of activities and entertainment for children. Families are welcome to enjoy a picnic in the stunning surrounds of Cruden Farm. We encourage everyone who exhibits on the day to have activities for children. 

Party in the Park

South Side Festival

Event Date: Friday 9 May - Sunday 18 May 2025

Southside Festival

Please note: South Side Festival commissions are open at various times throughout the year, between April and November. Learn more and apply here.

Frankston’s Christmas Festival

Event date: Saturday 29 November 2025

Event Time: 4:30pm - 9:30pm

Location: Davey Street and surrounds, Frankston

Frankston’s Christmas Festival is a celebration of the magic of Christmas and a chance for family and friends to welcome in the festive season. 

Christmas Festival

Beauty Park market stalls held at Frankston's Christmas Festival are externally managed.  Please visit the Little Beauty Market website here:

Please refer to the Frankston City Council’s Major Events website for more information.    

Requirements for successful applicants

All successful applicants must ensure the following terms and conditions, requirements and policies are adhered to throughout their participation in Frankston City Council’s major events, as outlined below.

Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to all Frankston City Council’s major events.


All event stakeholders will need to agree to:

  • Abide by all event regulations.
  • Comply with all packaging and waste reduction requirements as outlined in terms and conditions, including removal of all waste and cooking oils. Persons found disposing of waste/oil products into Frankston City Council’s drainage system will be fined. Waste that is left at your site will be removed and you will be charged for this service.
  • Not engage in any dangerous or unsafe acts, and will uphold and maintain a high standard of occupational health and safety.
  • Maintain a high level of customer service to all event patrons.
  • Communicate with all events staff, fellow stallholders and contractors in a friendly and respectful manner.
  • Comply with all directions from event staff. Frankston City Council reserves the right to request persons to exit the event should they not be acting in a respectful manner to patrons, staff, performers or stallholders on the day or in the lead up to the event. Whilst onsite you will follow all and any directions of the Frankston City Council’s Event Management Team, Wardens and/or emergency services.
  • Safety Officers auditing vendors throughout the event. All requests from these Officers must be complied with.
  • Bring their own equipment and infrastructure required onto the site, unless otherwise agreed. This includes marquees/weights, power, water, lighting, technical equipment or instruments. Hire in equipment is available at an additional cost which can be discussed with the Frankston City Council’s Events Team.
  • Frankston City Council invoices must be settled promptly in line with the terms provided. Please note if payment is not received, as advised, your event involvement will be cancelled.

Health and Safety

  • All persons onsite must abide by the Occupational Health and Safety regulations in Victoria.
  • All persons onsite must complete the online Contractor Induction prior to arrival onsite.  This link will be sent to key contacts prior to the event.
  • Please bring your own trolleys and lifting equipment and ensure your staff adhere to all occupational workplace safety standards at all times.
  • Please keep walkways clear, avoid placing any objects where anyone can trip and fall over.
  • Pegging is not allowed, please also ensure all banners, marquees etc. are securely tied and weighted down.
  • All marquees, umbrellas, inflatables and temporary infrastructure must be adequately weighted as per the engineer certificate of compliance specific to your structure.
  • If you are unable to obtain a certificate of compliance for your marquee, inflatable or structure you must adhere to the guidelines compiled by the Hire and Rental Industry Association (HRIA). The full HRIA document can be found here:  HRIA Weighting Guide - September 2016

If you ever notice any hazards, please report these immediately to the Frankston City Council’s Event Management Team or Safety Officer onsite.

Public Liability Insurance

You must provide a Certificate of Currency from your insurance company providing a minimum cover of $10 million (food vendors and contractors must have minimum cover of $20 million) and it must state the policy is ‘Australia Wide’.

Compliance paperwork

You must also provide the below compliance paperwork (as applicable):

  • Job safety analysis (JSA) and/or Safe work method statement (SWMS)
  • Risk assessment

You must also take out any legislative paperwork or licenses required to undertake the services or functions you are providing at the event.


You must not, without Frankston City Council’s prior written approval, sub-contract any of the work engaged, and then only on such terms and conditions that Council may require.  Furthermore, you shall remain liable to Council for performance, completion and observance of the terms and condition of this Engagement.

If approved, the sub-contractor must also provide all ‘Compliance Paperwork’ as required, including public liability insurance, risk assessments, engineers’ reports and other safety requirements.

Food Registration and Safety

Operators of mobile food premises must be registered with a Victorian Council via Foodtrader and compliant with all Environmental Health standards. These include, but are not limited to; gas safety, water facilities, temperature checks, log books, fire extinguisher/blankets, clear workspace, storage, waste disposal and food safety programs.

Event wardens will be checking all food providers have appropriate first response fire equipment readily accessible at their stall.  A minimum 9kg fire extinguisher is required (or as advised) and a first aid kit must be on hand at all times.

Test and Tag

As per AS/NZS3760 all electrical equipment which is brought onto the site must be tested and tagged. If you have equipment which does not have a valid test and tag, you will not be permitted to use that equipment.

Imitation Weapons and Balloons

Toy imitation weapons are prohibited from being used or sold at Frankston City Council events. Giveaways of balloons of any description, including helium are also strictly prohibited as per the Waste Wise Events Policy.

Site Conditions

The event site must be left in the condition in which it was found. This includes site back-of-house and green-room areas. All rubbish must be disposed of in the event bins provided or taken with you. Sullage and Waste water must be taken offsite to be disposed of appropriately.


Should any equipment or the site be damaged by you, you will be required to meet the cost of repair or replacement. Where you are required to pay a bond prior to the event, bonds will be retained (partially or in full), as a result of damage to the event site. Frankston City Council takes no responsibility for the loss or damage of any equipment.

Performance Adjustments

Frankston City Council reserves the right to adjust performance times and set lengths as per the requirements of the event. If this is to occur, affected performers will be notified as soon as possible.


All Frankston City Council events are family-friendly and as a result, all programmed content needs to be suitable for all persons onsite. All music, lyrics and content is required to be appropriate for a family-friendly audience at all times. 

Photography and Videography Consent

When signing your letter of engagement, you acknowledge to be a part of our event and you consent to your photograph or videography being taken by our official contractors which may be used for promotional purposes for the event and other future events at Frankston City Council.

Smoking and Alcohol Free Events

All events are smoke-free, this includes staff and volunteers involved in the event. Smoking and vaping is only permitted outside the perimeter of the event and is not permitted in back-of house areas. All events except The Waterfront Festival and Block Party (in the designated areas) are alcohol-free events. Staff and volunteers who are working Council events are not permitted to consume alcohol during their shift. Smoking and alcohol possession will not be tolerated and may result in ejection from the event site at the discretion of the Frankston City Council’s Event Management Team or Safety Officers. At licensed events, alcohol consumption back-stage is only permitted with alcohol that has been purchased on the event site.  No alcohol is to be brought onto site.  Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) applies to back-stage and will be patrolled by RSA security staff.  It is expected that alcohol consumed will not affect the quality of the contracted performance.


Upon successful appointment, all applicants will need to agree to indemnify and keep indemnified the Frankston City Council (FCC), its servants, agents from and against all actions, costs, claims, charges, expenses and damages whatsoever, which may be brought or made against them or any of them arising out of or in connection with the activity, except to the extent that Frankston City Council, it’s servants, agents contributed to the loss or liability.


Notification of non-attendance is required.  There will be no refunds given for site fees in relation to non-attendance unless in extreme circumstances, where notice has been given.  Any refund is at the discretion of Frankston City Council.

In the case of inclement weather on the event day, some or all aspects of the event may be cancelled, delayed or changed. Site fees will not be refunded under these circumstances.

In the event of cancellation of the event by Frankston City Council prior to the event, refunds may be provided at the discretion of Frankston City Council.


Council endeavours to choose a wide range of stalls - exclusivity of product or market segment cannot be guaranteed.

Privacy Statement

Frankston City Council is committed to protecting your privacy. Council requires your personal information to contact you regarding this event and for other similar future events. Your personal information will only be used and disclosed as authorised by law. For further information about how Council handles personal information, or to request access to your personal information, see or contact Council’s privacy officer on 1300 322 322.

Working with Children

Statement of Commitment to Child Safety

Frankston City Council has zero tolerance for child abuse. Council is committed to creating and maintaining a child safe environment where all children are valued and protected from harm and abuse and will promote a whole of community approach to keeping children safe.

All children, who attend services, programs, events and spaces (including online environments) that are delivered, owned or managed by Council, have the right to be heard, to participate and feel safe regardless of their, or their families’, age, gender, race, ability, health, religious beliefs, sexual orientation or social background. Council will encourage and support Aboriginal children to express their culture and enjoy their cultural rights and commits to creating culturally safe environments.

Council will actively facilitate the voices of children in Council planning, the design and delivery of services, programs and events and in the management of facilities. Council’s priority is to involve children in opportunities to influence matters that affect them as active citizens in their community.

Council will treat all reports of child safety concerns seriously and will actively encourage children to raise such issues

Independent Contractor Responsibilities 

All independent contractors engaged by Frankston City Council, regardless of their activities, are expected to prioritise the health, safety and wellbeing of children. These responsibilities include reporting to Council any concern about the health, safety and wellbeing of a child engaged with a Council activity.

Additionally it is a condition of engagement that independent contractors comply with all child safety legislation including, when relevant, the Child Safe Standards. Independent contractors who are required to comply with the Child Safe Standards may be required to provide evidence of their compliance to Council. To determine if the Standards apply to you, visit The Commission for Children and Young People or for further information and support about child safety at Frankston City Council, contact

Working With Children Check / Victorian Institute of Teaching Card

Persons involved onsite in interactive programs or activities with children may be required to provide copies of Working with Children's Checks or Victorian Institute of Teaching Cards for all persons over the age of 18 they are engaging to facilitate their involvement onsite.

Waste Wise Events Policy

Frankston City Council has adopted a Waste Wise Events Policy to help minimise waste and litter at our events. We can all reduce waste and litter by avoiding single use items (including all plastic bags, polystyrene food and beverage packaging) and balloons. 

Biodegradable and compostable packaging often ends up in recycle bins as they look like cardboard, therefore vendors will require signage or a conversation with buyers about correct disposal of rubbish. No plastic bags are permitted for takeaway. Paper bags only, if requested.

Healthy Choices Policy

Frankston City Council is committed to enabling a healthy municipality where people thrive and have the best opportunity to make healthy food and beverage choices. The Healthy Choices Policy introduces a Council-wide healthy choices food and beverage standard to increase supply of healthier options at all Council settings, services, and programs. This includes all Council run major events where food and beverages are sold with the intention to be reasonably consumed on the event site. 

All exhibitors selling food and beverages are required to submit a FoodChecker menu assessment, from the Healthy Eating Advisory Service (HEAS) website. The PDF document provided from the menu assessment will provide you with a percentage of green, amber and red items, which will need to be added into the application. The expression of interest will only be considered for food and beverage exhibitors if a completed assessment is submitted.

If you require assistance or have any queries on completing the FoodChecker assessment, support is available through Peninsula Health, please email:

Frequently Asked Questions and Terms and Conditions


What is included in my site fee? 

  • Site size as per clarified on application
  • Cardboard skips and rubbish disposal units/facilities (short walk from site) 
  • Event facilities including security, traffic management, bathrooms and hydration station 

What is not included in my site fee? 

  • Marquee/weights, infrastructure or equipment (unless specified) 
  • Staff or stock 
  • Rubbish collection from your stall - this must be taken to the skips provided 
  • Car Parking 
  • Water supply and hand washing facilities 
  • Individual site lighting for stallholders
  • Power (if requested and can be accommodated) for The Waterfront Festival and Frankston’s Christmas Festival of Lights.  Fees and charges apply.  Power is unavailable at Mayor’s Party in the Park.

Presentation, Products and Price 

Frankston City Council expects that all sites and staff are presented in a tidy, professional manner with clear signage indicating the cost of products. Whilst management does not set prices, there is an expectation applicants will strive to provide value for money to all event patrons. Council reserves the right to request exhibitors refrain from including certain items to be sold at the event. 

Site Fees and Bonds 

Site fees and bonds may be required for your site. If you are required to pay a site fee or a refundable bond you will be notified of this upon notification of acceptance for the event/s. This bond is refundable post event, provided you have left your site in a presentable manner and no damage was caused. 

Food Safety Requirements 

Exhibitors selling edible items must comply with the Health Department regulation - this includes registering with a Statement of Trade. An Environmental Health Officer may be onsite checking all health regulations, including waste management and recycling procedures are being adhered to.


There is no commercial water supply for the events. All necessary water must be brought to the event and taken from the event, this includes a hand wash basin with sanitiser separate to any food preparation area. A hydration station for drink bottle refills will be available. 

Waste water/ Sullage is not to be disposed of at the event site. Please ensure you bring adequate storage containers for your waste water with you. 

Fire Safety 

Total fire ban and fire danger period permits will be required for all exhibitors with an open flame if vending within a total fire ban period. Please visit the CFA’s website for more information and to apply. 

Exhibitors are required to have a mounted fire extinguisher (please ensure size and type is suitable) and blanket (1.8m x 1.2m commercial model) at the event. Please ensure that this equipment is compliant. 

Gas Supply 

Please refer to Energy Safe Victoria for the Code of Practice for the Safe use of LPG’s at public events in Victoria. Any exhibitor using gas at the event must complete the Gas Safety Checklist on the day of the event and have it available for our Safety Officer to view upon request.

Safety checks will be completed on the event day to verify certificates of compliances and that all gas is stored correctly


Frankston’s Christmas Festival of Lights and The Waterfront Festival exhibitors must supply their own lighting for evening trade. 

Performers, Activity and Demonstration Providers

Call time at Stage

Performers will be provided with a call time (this is when you are required to be present at the stage for your performance). Failure to present at this time may result in your slot being reallocated to another performer.

Performance Adjustments

Frankston City Council reserves the right to make adjustments to performance times, set lengths and changeover times as per the requirements of the event. If this is to occur, affected performers will be notified as soon as possible.

Technical Requirements

Technical support for each event will vary.

A standard vocal audio setup will be provided for stage performers at Frankston’s Christmas Festival of Lights and Mayor’s Party in the Park. Please note that changeovers for stage sets will be small (approximately 2 minutes) and we do not do sound or line checks for these events. All other non-stage performers must be fully self-sufficient. 

A standard backline will be provided for The Waterfront Festival stages. Changeovers times between acts will be approximately 10 minutes max. No sound checks are available. Please note, all stages have side mixing.

Any other requests should be listed when applicable during the application process, or by consulting Frankston City Council’s Events Team. If requested you may also need to provide a stage plan that you would use for your performance.

What is provided?

A backstage green room area will be provided to all involved in stage performances.
We strongly encourage everyone to provide their own re-useable drink bottle and utilise the hydration stations available on site. If you require anything outside of this please consult your Frankston City Council contact upon confirmation of involvement. Unless previously agreed to in writing we will not accommodate riders.

Language and Behavior

All events are family-friendly; as a result, all programmed content needs to be suitable for all persons onsite. All music, lyrics and content is required to be appropriate for a family-friendly audience at all times.  

Contact Us

Frankston City Council Events Team

Phone: 1300 322 322
