There’s loads of fun to be had at PARC, with the popular inflatable Splashtown obstacle course, Constrictor and Python waterslides and the multi-level Aquatic Playground. The entertainment doesn't stop outside the water, with a Centre scavenger hunt, visits from loveable mascot Hydro and interactive activities with prizes to be won! The holiday program will run from 11am–3pm weekdays between 10–28 January, including the Australia Day public holiday. Time slots for Splashtown obstacle course are FREE as part of your PARC Swim membership, and can be booked online shortly.
Visit our website for the full activity schedule.
PARC Frankston
16N Cranbourne Road
P. 03 9781 8444
Cost: A PARC day pass for the whole family starts at $26.70, $9.30 for adults and $7.60 for children and concession. All Fun PARC activities are included in the entry cost.
Bookings and further details
For more details and full activity schedule, visit our website below: