Celebrating FSO highlights the talent of our members hidden amongst us !! Flautists Elisha Oliver & Cathryn Williams will perform Doppler's Duetttino sur des Motis Hongrois. Trombonist Jamie Grima will perform A Song for Japan by Steven Verhelst, written for Japan in remembrance of the earthquake & tsunami that devastated Japan on 11 March 2011. FSO will also debut our own composer Sue McGrath's Fanfare ! We are very excited to announce our special guest and local Mornington Peninsula talent Louise Turnbull, performing the first movement of Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto in D major. Louise began her career learning & playing in local Mornington Peninsula groups, Peninsula Youth Music Society Inc and a member of FSO. It is exciting to showcase this talented young lady ! Conductor: Mr Thaddeus Huang
Peninsula Community Theatre, 91 Wilson Road, Mornington, 3931, View Map
91 Wilson Road , Mornington 3931
Adults $30
Concession $27
Children under 15 Free