Council employs a range of skilled staff and supports a safe, inclusive and diverse working environment.
Frankston City consists of nine Electoral Wards, with one Councillor elected per ward to represent the community for a four year term.
Find information on upcoming Council meetings, past agendas and minutes, submitting a petition to Council and more.
Report issues with dumped rubbish, trees, roads, footpaths, Council buildings, parks, drainage or graffiti.
Information on logging a complaint and details on the process of resolving your issue.
Online payments for rates, various applications, animal registrations, infringements, hall hire, permits and Council invoices.
Council values feedback and encourages residents to comment on local issues.
You can contact us in person via our online web form, through live chat, over the phone, or by email.
Find a list of all permits, services and applications offered by Council
Information on how to submit a request, issue or petition to Council.
Information on public accountability, access to information, protected disclosures and local MPs.
Learn more about Council’s role in advocating to State and Federal Government’s and candidates.
Each election period, Council selects a small number of priority projects that require Council-led advocacy to Government and Opposition in an effort to secure funding contributions.
Learn more about Australian Citizenship Ceremonies within Frankston City.
Learn how your rates are calculated, pay your rates and view rates FAQs.
Details on priorities, strategies, community development plans, disability action plans, Council plan and budget and more.
Find the latest news, sign up for e-Newsletters and learn about media enquiries and more.
The central place for suppliers to express interest in supplying to Frankston City Council.
If you need assistance or are having trouble with the website, please Contact Us.