Social Inclusion Action Group (SIAG) Frankston



The Social Inclusion Action Group (SIAG) is a community-driven project, supported by Frankston Council, that aims to make Frankston a more welcoming and inclusive place.

It brings together a diverse group of local residents, who seek to understand Frankston’s unique needs and strengths, and how being isolated, disconnected or excluded can impact wellbeing. SIAG members then help connect the ideas, people and organisations around our community, and make funding recommendations for projects that strengthen community ties.

How SIAGs came about

The SIAG is an initiative that was created after the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health system, which recognised that local communities are often best placed to support wellbeing, connection and mental health. Frankston is one of the first areas to set up a SIAG, which aims to be set up in every municipality across Victoria.

Find out more about the State Government initiative here.

Other SIAGs are located in the following government areas:

If you would like more information


Phone: 0427 249 033

Too busy? Register your interest here and we will call you back.

Click here to view form.


About the SIAG Frankston

How does the SIAG work?

The SIAG is made up of two elements:

The SIAG members
A group of 15 to 19 dedicated community members who meet regularly to guide the SIAG’s decision-making. Each member brings unique perspectives, skills, and experiences, enriching the SIAG’s understanding and ensuring a diversity of voices is represented. SIAG members identify local needs and connect people, ideas, and organisations across the community. They ensure the SIAG’s efforts remain community-driven, transparent, and focused on promoting social inclusion and connection.

SIAG projects
These are initiatives that SIAG members have supported and connected with, helping to foster growth and resilience. Some projects have received SIAG funding, while others have benefited from community connections we’ve helped build, resulting in more collaborative and sustainable outcomes.

Supported by

The SIAG is funded by the Victorian Government and operates under the auspices of Frankston City Council, which provides project management, support and advice for the SIAG. Council is committed to providing the SIAG with a high level of autonomy to ensure this is a genuinely community-led program. 


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SIAG Frankston: The journey so far

The SIAG Frankston began in November 2023. Over the past year, the SIAG has built a strong foundation, developing values, processes, and policies that reflect the voice of Frankston’s community. Together, they’ve crafted guidelines for decision-making, a framework for prioritising initiatives, and defining the SIAG’s goals and purpose.

In 2024, the group focused on exploring Frankston’s strengths and identifying areas where social connection and support can grow, laying the groundwork for meaningful partnerships and community-led projects in the years to come.

Collaboration in action! These photos capture the spirit of teamwork at SIAG, where members come together to brainstorm innovative ideas and work towards shared goals.

At SIAG it’s the collective effort and support of every individual that makes all the  difference


The SIAG operates on a foundation of core values that guide our interactions, decision-making, and community engagement. These values, collaboratively developed by all SIAG members at the project's inception, form the acronym WRAPT. They encapsulate our commitment to creating a welcoming, respectful, and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and heard.


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SIAG Frankston Framework

The SIAG Framework is a strategic model designed to guide the SIAG in its efforts to enhance social inclusion and connection within the community. This framework outlines the priorities, activities, target beneficiaries, and underlying theoretical foundations that shape the SIAG’s work. This framework sets the foundation for sustainable and impactful community development in the future.

Key Components:

  • Who: Outlines the people who should most benefit from SIAG’s work
  • Why: How each project’s purpose will address one of four fundamental needs
  • What: The activities that are within the scope of SIAG’s work
  • How: The enablers of social inclusion the need to be embedded in each project.

Download the SIAG Frankston Framework(PDF, 270KB)

Do you have a great idea?

The primary role of the SIAG is to connect people, organisations, and ideas, but we also make funding recommendations for projects that strengthen community ties. Inclusion Action Grants are available to support community projects that contribute to building a more equitable, inclusive, and connected Frankston.

If you have an idea for a project, come and have a chat to us! We can help connect you with other organisations or initiatives that could strengthen your idea. We are always looking for ways support initiatives that address critical and social issues around isolation, disconnection, and wellbeing, and cater to the diverse needs of our community members.

Got an idea? …lets chat:

The SIAG are available to build your ideas and get support for a project in your community. Please get in touch with the team:


Phone: 0427 249 033 


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