Coastal Planning
Frankston City’s coastal and marine areas are the most important building blocks of its growing reputation as the Lifestyle Capital of Victoria. As our foreshore reserves and beaches draw both residents and tourists, they accommodate multiple uses underpinned by diverse cultural, environmental, social, and economic values.
Strategic Context
Marine and coastal planning in Victoria is controlled by state legislation, guided by policies and strategies, and adapted to the local context through local planning instruments. The Marine and Coastal Act 2018 and associated Marine and Coastal Policy (2020) and Marine and Coastal Strategy (2022) provide objectives and guiding principles for the planning and management of Victoria's coastline.
Current management of the coastal and marine areas is shared between Frankston City Council, as an appointed Committee of Management, and other agencies. All use, development and works on marine and coastal Crown land by any party requires consent under the Act. Applications for consent are made to DEECA, where they are assessed under the Act and relevant coastal and environmental legislation, plans, and strategies for consistency.
Most of the Frankston City foreshore is Crown land reserved under the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978. Frankston City Council is the appointed Committee of Management for these Crown land reserves. Coastal and Marine Management Plans (CMMP) guide the use of marine and coastal areas that directly relates to Council’s role as an appointed Committee of Management. CMMPs are defined under Part 7 Division 1 of the Act. Their purpose under Section 57(2) “is to provide direction for the future local management of an area of marine and coastal Crown land.
Coastal and Marine Management Plan
The purpose of Frankston City Coastal and Marine Management Plan (CMMP) is to guide Frankston City toward achieving its long-term vision that will ensure the protection and enhancement of these values. Planning for future use requires us to effectively mitigate and adapt to pressures on our coastal and marine ecosystems. Protecting the health and bio-cultural diversity of these important areas are among the key priorities for our community and the long-term success of this management plan.
The purpose of Frankston City Coastal and Marine Management Plan (CMMP) is to guide Frankston City toward achieving its long-term vision that will ensure the protection and enhancement of these values. Planning for future use requires us to effectively mitigate and adapt to pressures on our coastal and marine ecosystems. Protecting the health and bio-cultural diversity of these important areas are among the key priorities for our community and the long-term success of this management plan.

The CMMP was adopted by Council in July 2024 and is currently under review by the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action, seeking approval by the minister.
Download Frankston City Coastal and Marine Management Plan(PDF, 35MB)