Frankston Memorial Park and Cemetery
Frankston Memorial Park (Frankston Cemetery) is located on the corner of Cranbourne Road and Moorooduc Highway (McMahons Road), Frankston. The facility is administered by Frankston City Council with the aim of providing a local quality, tranquil resting place for the deceased and visiting relatives.
Frankston Cemetery continues to cater for persons with existing burial rights in either lawn or monumental sections. Cremated remains are also able to be placed in such graves.
Land was set aside for a cemetery in Frankston in 1864-65. The first recorded burial was 1878, although there were almost certainly burials prior to this date before the keeping of records.
Image Gallery
Visiting the Cemetery
Opening Hours
The cemetery office is open on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays from 9:30am to 3pm. Wednesday and Thursdays are by appointment only.
Alternatively, enquires can be made by phoning 1300 322 322 or emailing
The cemetery grounds are open 7 days a week, from 7am to 8pm during daylight savings time and 8am to 7pm during non-daylight savings time.
To preserve the well-kept beauty of the Cemetery grounds and to reduce risk of injury the following items are NOT permitted within the Cemetery grounds:
- Glass, Tins or Paint
- Ornaments (metal, glass and/or ceramic)
- Fairy Lights
- Wood chips/Pine bark
Artificial flowers are to be kept to a minimum and NOT to be attached to any trees, plants or rocks. Non approved items as well as expired artificial flowers will be removed and disposed of without prior notification.
Please respect and DO NOT encroach on the memorial or burial locations of the neighbouring families. Tributes that encroach on neighbouring burial or memorial positions often cause distress to neighbouring families.
For environmental reasons, please REMOVE wrapping and rubber bands from floral arrangements BEFORE they are placed in the vases. Wrappings present a significant litter issue. When visiting we ask for your assistance in removing withered or weathered floral tributes and placing them in the bins provided.
Only authorised vehicles are permitted within the cemetery grounds. External parking is available along Clarendon Street and Government Road.
Disabled access is available through the gates off Clarendon Street, Monday to Friday between 9am and 3.30pm. A scheduled time will need to be made with the Memorial Park Officer by contacting 1300 322 322 or email A disability parking permit will need to be shown, with the expiry date and permit number visible prior to entering the cemetery grounds. A Council officer will open the gates and remain at the grounds for the duration of the visit and will close the gates upon departure.
Cemetery Sign - Attention Visitors(PDF, 70KB)
Burials/Ashes Interments
9.30am to 3pm - Monday to Friday
*Ashes interments by family members can take place on the weekend. For all enquiries please contact the office between 9.30am and 3pm – Monday to Friday on 1300 322 322.
Frankston Cemetery Information
Deceased Search Enquiry
View the form here.
Please note: This search request will be sent to Frankston City Council Cemetery Enquiries. Officers will respond to your query within 2-3 days.
Although there are no new burial sites available for purchase, the Cemetery continues to cater for persons with existing burial rights in the lawn or monumental sections of the Cemetery. A limited number of sets of cremated remains may be placed in a grave at the Cemetery, subject to the necessary authority first being provided by the Council.
All bookings for burials in existing graves must be made through a funeral director. Funeral Directors will make the necessary arrangements with Council staff to have the grave opened and ready for burial on the appointed day and time.
Frankston Memorial Park has a waiting list for the rare occasion when a family decides to hand back (relinquish) a pre reserved unused gravesite to the Cemetery Trust.
If you wish to be recorded on the waiting list for a gravesite, please contact the office between 9.30am and 3pm – Monday to Friday on 1300 322 322.

There are areas within the Cemetery where monuments are permitted. As monuments are expected to retain their structural integrity, restrictions apply to the materials and type of construction which may be used.
Usually families retain the services of a monumental mason to design and supply the headstone or monument. On your behalf, the mason must ensure that the design is approved by the Council and obtain the necessary permits before any work begins.
The holder of the Right of Interment is responsible for the maintenance of the monument and the grave.
The Use of Monuments at Grave Sites
The Right of Interment, or person legally acting on his/her behalf, has a number of rights and obligations, principally;
- To provide his/her written permission, and obtain the written permission of the Council, prior to use of the grave. Such uses include each burial, interment of cremated remains or the installation of any monumental work
- To issue instructions prior to the first burial in the grave, which will determine the number of subsequent burials, if any, the grave will accommodate
- To maintain the grave and any monumental work thereon
- To advise the Council of his/her current address, in order that contact may be made, if there is a need
Lawn Cemeteries
The Lawn Cemetery is located along the Government Road side of the Cemetery. Bronze plaque memorialisation is provided by an individually cast bronze plaque size 381x216, which is mounted on a concrete beam at the grave. These sites can accommodate only three standard bronze plaques. Ordering of plaques can only be done by the titleholder of the gravesite and by use of the plaque order form available through this website.
The Use of a Lawn Grave
The Right of Interment, or person legally acting on his/her behalf, has a number of rights and obligations, principally:
- To provide his/her written permission, and obtain the written permission of the Council, prior to every use of the grave. Such uses include each burial and the interment of cremated remains
- To issue instructions prior to the first burial in the grave, which will determine the number of subsequent burials, if any, the grave will accommodate
- To maintain the grave
- To advise the Council of his/her current address, in order that contact may be made, if there is a need

Ashes Interments
Members of the public can purchase ashes memorial sites by contacting the office on 1300 322 322 between 9.30am and 3pm – Monday to Friday. Interment of cremated remains can be arranged in any of the ashes memorial positions currently available for sale.
Tenure of a memorial site is for a term of 25 years or Perpetuity from the date each site is allocated by Council. Arrangements may be made for a renewal of tenure, or for the cremated remains to be subsequently collected or scattered within the cemetery grounds.
An Application for Approval to Inter Cremated Human Remains form must be submitted prior to the interment. Please note, plaques for the niche wall must be ordered well in advance of the interment day. All forms are available through this website.
The Memorial Tree
The memorial tree is an impressive living memorial that provides for up to four ashes interments and commemorative plaques. Plaques are placed around the tree.
Niche Wall
Two (2) Niche Walls are constructed near the Government Road entrance. There are only a small number of sites available. Special plaques seal the cremated remains into the niche wall.

Memorial Rock
Individual memorial rocks each provide for up to two (2) memorial positions. These positions are sold separately. The rocks are set around the perimeter of the cemetery along McMahons and Government Roads.
Standard Rose
Individual standard roses each provide for up to two (2) memorial positions. These positions are sold separately. The roses are set around the perimeter of the Cemetery along McMahons Road, Government Road and Clarendon Street.
It is the family's responsibility to arrange a Monumental Mason to design and supply the headstone or monument for a grave site.
Registered masons may work on gravesites within the Cemetery. The mason must ensure that the design is approved by the Council and obtain the necessary permits before any work begins at the site. All work is to be undertaken Tuesday to Friday between 9:30am to 3:00pm
Families may choose to use bronze plaques mounted on a concrete desk to mark grave sites in the monumental section. A range of designs are available. There are many ways to personalise a plaque e.g. through the use of photographs and emblems.
To discuss the range of options available, Please contact the office on 1300 322 322 between 9.30am and 3pm – Monday to Friday. Ordering of plaques can only be done by the titleholder of the gravesite and by use of the plaque order form available through this website.
- Purchase of cremated remains memorial site
- Interments
- Assistance with locating and/or identifying graves or cremation memorial sites
- Assistance with purchasing of bronze memorial plaques
Public Commemorative Tributes and Memorials
Frankston Council provides an opportunity for community members to apply for special commemorative tributes or memorials to a person, group or organisation who have made a significant contribution to the social, cultural or civil aspect of the Frankston municipality. This may be done through a commemorative plaque or memorial within areas that are managed by Frankston City Council.
If you wish to submit an application, please review the Policy and guidelines on the application form prior to submission. The application form, along with supporting documentation, must be addressed and forwarded to the Governance Unit via any of the methods outlined on the application form.
Financial Hardship
We understand the grief that you may experience and appreciate the compounding impact that financial hardship can have. The following options may be available depending on you and your loved one's circumstances. For anyone experiencing hardship, there is support depending on the circumstances of the deceased, and of the person requesting help.
Frankston City Council recommends contacting other financial support services and providers, such as a Court Order, State Trustees, Centrelink Bereavement, Community Support, Transport Accident Commission (TAC), WorkSafe and Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal (VOCAT). Please see below:
Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal (VOCAT) –
Location and Parking
Frankston Memorial Park is located at the corner of Cranbourne and McMahons Roads, Frankston, Victoria, Australia.
Parking is available along Clarendon Street and Government Road.
Latest Frankston Cemetery Trust Meeting
Frankston Cemetery Trust is comprised of the Frankston City Councillors, of which the Deputy Mayor Cr Steffie Conroy, Cr David Asker and Cr Nathan Butler are the nominated delegates of the Committee. The purpose of the meetings is to keep the Trust informed on matters relating to the Frankston Memorial Park in addition to authorising certain actions. At the Trust meeting held on 8 May 2024 the Trust decided that moving forward, the minutes from Trust meetings that require public consultation will be addressed in an open debate during standard council meetings.
Contact Us
For further information contact
Frankston City Council
30 Davey Street
Frankston 3190
P. 1300 322 322