Kareela Road Shopping Strip Upgrade
About the Project
As part of the 2024 - 2025 Frankston City Council Shopping Strip Improvement Program, Frankston City Council has provided funding to design and implementation streetscape improvements at the neighborhood shopping Centre in Kareela Road.
Why is the project needed?
The project was initiated by the Local Shopping Strip Action Plan, which provides direction for the future development of the streetscapes of neighbourhood shopping centres throughout the municipality. The main objectives of the landscape concept plan include;
- An opportunity for people to visit and frequent the retail business in an aesthetically pleasing environment and activate existing commercial activities;
- An equitable and pedestrian-friendly environment that is easily accessible and provides “at grade” or a level transition between the car park and the pedestrian focused areas, where possible.
- Direct pedestrian connections between the retail businesses and along the adjoining public footpath;
- Create opportunities for tree planting and associated shade to reduce the passive heat island effect of the open carpark and provide a pleasing landscape for users that incorporates shade and amenity.
Project Funding:
This project is fully funded by Frankston City Council.
Project Timeline:
This project is scheduled for implementation from October 2024 to December 2024.
What are the implications for the immediate community while the works are carried out?
Every effort will be made to keep Kareela Road shops accessible for shoppers and residents during construction. Some localised closure of carparks and minor construction daytime activities may occur and may generate noise and dust.
Will there be any changes to this section of Kareela Road shopping strips?
Yes. The existing asphalt footpath will be replaced with new exposed aggregate concrete paving. New outstand garden beds with trees will also be installed along with new street furniture including seats, bins and bicycle racks.
Concept Plan
Contact details
Open Spaces Delivery Team
1300 322 322
55 Kareela Road, Frankston 3199 View Map
55 Kareela Road ,
Frankston 3199
55 Kareela Road ,
Frankston 3199
Kareela Road Shopping Strip Upgrade