Tuesday 3:15pm - 4:45pm
Join Wendy (Wenners) and the team at North Hangout every Tuesday afternoon for free BBQ, basketball, table tennis, boxing, craft and more!
It is a great place to catch up with friends and make new ones, plus there is loads of info and friendly youth workers to support you in any way.
For more details and up-to-date information, please see our social pages, Instagram and Facebook. Alternatively, please contact us during open hours at 9768 1366 or Wendy at 0400 838 123.
If you or a young person requires urgent support outside of hours, please reach out to one of these:
Kids Helpline
Suicide Call Back Service
Or if someone’s life is in danger or there is an immediate risk of harm, call emergency services on 000.
Download our Hangout Access Key document(PDF, 5MB)
Frankston North Community Centre has a car parks with 20 spaces available, and 2 designated accessible spaces with a ramp.
Bus route 833 from Frankston Station to Carrum Station via Carrum Downs.
Disembark at Eric Bell Reserve/Forest Dr and walk up Mahogany Avenue for 150m (approx. 2 minutes)
Bike racks are available outside the Community Centre to securely lock up bikes and scooters.
Shayan Mahboobi 0459 912 400 03 9768 1366 Shayan.Mahboobi@frankston.vic.gov.au
3:00 PM–05:00 PM
Open during school terms only
Frankston North Community Centre 26 Mahogany Ave, Frankston North
If you need assistance or are having trouble with the website, please Contact Us.