Frankston City Industrial Strategy

At its 18 March 2024 meeting, Council adopted the Frankston City Industrial Strategy and the Frankston City Industrial Design Guidelines. The Frankston City Industrial Strategy and Draft Frankston City Industrial Design Guidelines will guide the use and development of the industrial precincts within the municipality. The Strategy and Design Guidelines will also reinforce Frankston City’s role as a major industry focal point of the southern metropolitan area and ensure that the industrial precincts develop to their full potential.

At its 18 March 2024 meeting, Council also resolved to seek authorisation for Planning Scheme Amendment C148fran, which proposes to implement the Strategy and Design Guidelines into the Frankston Planning Scheme to give both documents statutory weight in order to inform decision making.

The Strategy outlines a vision for the City’s industrial precincts:

“Frankston City’s accessible and connected industrial precincts will support a knowledge rich and sustainable low carbon economy. Through ongoing built form and public amenity renewal the precincts will grow and diversify their economic activity and employment as a dynamic destination for investment, regional entrepreneurs, industrial workers and local households.”

This vision is underpinned by four (4) overarching themes and their objectives:

Theme 1: Activities and Land Use.

  • Objective 1: Renew and redevelop aged industrial precincts,
  • Objective 2: Strengthen Sub Precinct 1A: Kananook as a regional employment destination supported by sports, leisure and hospitality uses.

Theme 2: Circular and Sustainable Local Economy.

  • Objective 3: Facilitate a low carbon circular economy.

Theme 3: Built Form Design and Public Realm.

  • Objective 4: Create attractive and sustainable industrial precincts.

Theme 4: Connectivity and Transport.

  • Objective 5: Increase accessibility and transport infrastructure.

These themes and objectives inform six (6) precincts which provide strategies and actions for specific areas within the City’s industrial precincts, providing more guidance and clarity in terms of land use, low carbon, built form and revitalising the public realm.

Visit Industrial Strategy | Engage Frankston! for more information on both stages of the project’s community consultation.