Booking applications for sporting reserves

Frankston City Council has over 50 sporting grounds across the municipality including football/cricket ovals, soccer pitches, baseball grounds which are available for casual hire by Sports Clubs, Schools, Community Groups and Commercial users.

This includes a new multi-purpose synthetic oval at Carrum Downs Recreation Reserve, which can be used for soccer, AFL football and cricket (in the summer season).  The facility is fenced and features sports lighting suitable for night training and games.

To see a list of sports reserves and their amenities click here: 

If you wish to enquire or book other sports facilities, such as Athletics, Tennis or Bowls, please contact the Clubs directly.  For Club contact details please click here.  

To book a Sporting Reserve

The majority of our venues are used by sporting clubs on a seasonal basis on weekends and weeknights therefore booking a sporting reserve will be subject to existing seasonal club usage agreements.

Bookings will provide you access to the sporting field only, however public toilets are located at most of our reserves.

Submission of an application form does not constitute approval for the request. Please review the Terms & Conditions before commencing your application.

New Users: Click here to register an account as a new user. Once your account has been validated you will be able to log in and make a new booking.

Existing Users: Click here to create a new booking or make changes to an existing booking

Once you have submitted your application, Council’s Recreation Team will process and confirm availability and applicable fees. For any booking that cannot be accommodated, we may contact you to offer alternative locations or date.

Frankston City Sporting Clubs

Local sporting clubs that have seasonal tenancy agreements with council can now manage their seasonal tenancy applications and pre-season training requests through the on-line portal for the IMS booking system. 

Seasonal Tenancy Manual(PDF, 2MB)

Clubs will receive an e-mail with their account registration and log-in details several weeks prior to the commencement of the season.

Clubs with Lease or Licence agreements with council can also manage and update their club information directly through the IMS portal. 

Click here to log into your club account  

If you have any issues accessing your account, please contact Council’s Recreation Officer on 1300 322 322. 

If you have any further enquiries please contact