Frankston City Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025

The Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025 is Frankston City Council’s strategic plan for how we will work with our partners over the next four years to create well planned and liveable environments with healthy, strong and safe communities so everyone has the equal opportunity to enjoy good health and wellbeing at every stage of life.

The Plan fulfils the requirement of the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 for all Victorian councils to prepare a Municipal Health and Wellbeing Plan every four years within 12 months of a local government election to outline the health and wellbeing priorities for the municipality.



Our health and wellbeing priorities

The Plan outlines six priorities and 19 objectives for how Council will work in partnership over the next four years to improve health and wellbeing in Frankston City.

Priority 1: Building healthy and active communities

1.1 Improve opportunities for walking, cycling and active travel

1.2 Improve access to public open spaces, play spaces and recreation facilities

1.3 Improve access to inclusive club sports and active recreation activities

1.4 Improve healthy eating and food security to support good nutrition across the life course

Priority 2: Building fair and inclusive communities

2.1 Partner and advocate to reduce health inequities, poverty and disadvantage

2.2 Partner and advocate to improve equitable access to education, employment and housing

2.3 Strengthen relationships to support Aboriginal self-determination and reconciliation

Priority 3: Increasing mental wellbeing and resilience

3.1 Support opportunities to build social inclusion and community connection

3.2 Increase volunteering and community participation

3.3 Foster social cohesion and community harmony

Priority 4: Strengthening climate action for community wellbeing

4.1 Increase awareness of the health impacts of climate change

4.2 Strengthen response to public health threats and emergencies for vulnerable communities

4.3 Support healthy and sustainable homes, buildings and public spaces

Priority 5: Strengthening gender equality and respectful relationships

5.1 Build partnerships to prevent family violence, violence against women and elder abuse

5.2 Strengthen equitable, safe and respectful relationships

5.3 Create gender equitable workplaces, services and programs

Priority 6: Building safe communities

6.1 Create safe public spaces through Council policy, planning and design

6.2 Build partnership that change cultures and reduce harms from alcohol and other drugs and gambling

6.3 Create smoke free communities

Delivering the Health and Wellbeing Plan

Alongside the Plan, an annual Action Plan is developed and reviewed each year, with an Annual Report produced to monitor progress. The actions within the Action Plan are designed to align with Council’s other strategies and action plans for collaborative implementation, monitoring and reporting to strengthen health and wellbeing outcomes for the community.

Frankston City Health and Wellbeing Community Profile 2021

The Health and wellbeing Community Profile provides an overview of health and wellbeing in Frankston City, outlining the health environments, behaviours and health status influencing community wellbeing.

The Health and Wellbeing Community Profile has been used in conjunction with community consultation to identify the health and wellbeing priorities and objectives in the Frankston City Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021–2025.

Data snapshots from our Health and Wellbeing Community Profile can be found here: